
Common Content Marketing Mistakes That Every Marketer Should Avoid

Are you struggling with your content marketing strategy? The time has arrived – learn how to avoid these common content marketing mistakes that every marketer should avoid which is holding back brand’s performance.

By making these common you’re sabotaging yourself as well as your brand identity. There are a plethora of mistakes already – we don’t want to add delay our own journey.

This pandemic transformed the marketing environment on its head and sent marketers climbing to new heights, but it also unfolded distinct possibilities in the world of content marketing.

#DoYouKnow: Google search traffic received a huge leap from a pre-pandemic on an average of 3.6 billion searches per day to more than 6 billion daily after March 2020. And that drift doesn’t show any indications of diminishing down yet.

List of Top Artificial Intelligence Developments Happen to Boom 2021

In the recent coming year, Technology used in artificial intelligence will drove the world by storm. When the phrase ‘artificial intelligence’ was first stamped at a convention, no one dreamed that one day, it will supersede all the monotonous jobs and free humans from working heavy labour tasks. The appearance of the internet accommodated technology to grow exponentially.

Artificial intelligence developments were held solely alone for the past three decades, moreover now, it is streamlining with extensive CRM’s and applications. The demand for artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is thriving and beyond the hype and the intensified digital media attention, various startups and the internet giants are rushing to obtain it, there is a vital increase in investment and adoption by businesses with the technology used in artificial intelligence.

Citing to a Narrative Science statement, just 38% percent of the companies surveys used artificial intelligence in 2016. But by 2018, this percentage will increase to 62%.